Endowment Funds
The effective implementation of a scholarship program requires dedicated activity by the Scholarship Committee and funds provided by the membership and other interested parties.
We have three endowment funds at OSU, the earnings of which are used to fund scholarships.
The Greene County Fund; The John and Cindy Feltz Fund; Eric & Lela Marcus Scholarship Fund.
These three funds provideĀ the money for our scholarship awards. Thanks to the donors who have provided these funds. Future donations to the Greene County Fund will provide future funds for future students.
What you can do:
You can contribute to the Greene County Fund even if you are not a member of the Greene County Club. Join the other contributors to make this fund grow so more students can get scholarships to encourage them to attend Ohio State.
Scholarship Endowment Fund Donation (donating to the scholarship endowment fund does not count toward Greene County Alumni Club dues but does count toward OSUAA Sustaining Member status).
Click here to donate to the Greene County Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund.